Bill Hollingsworth 1924 – 2011

We received the sad news today that Bill Hollingsworth passed away at home on the 5th December. He would have been 88 in January.

Bill was a life member of the ‘Chesh’ and, until 2 days before his death, ran Meadows cycle shop in Cheadle. (As he had done for over 50 years!)

He was the club’s clubroom steward and, as well as opening up the Drill Hall and setting out the tables and chairs, brewed up for the committee every month.

He will be remembered by many outside the club for collecting pound coins from riders prior to the club 10s, 25s and hill climbs which we held for many years.

Our sincere condolences go to his wife, Kathleen, and family.

Bills funeral was at the Southern Cemetery on Friday 23rd December. Several committee members represented the club. 

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  • New Club Captain

  • We have a new club captain! Terry Crosswell has agreed to take over the post from Phil! Thank you Terry.
    Terry would appreciate suggestions for destinations and offers to lead rides. He can be contacted through the Contact form.