
Our membership is mainly from around the Stockport area but we have members all over the world.

Most members active on club runs will be in the 40 – 75 age group.

We would welcome new members, especially younger members.


Members paid up for 2023 receive free membership for 2024. Non-Life Members wishing to receive a paper copy of the News will be expected to pay £5 towards printing and postage costs.

Active £15
Age 18 – 21 £10
Age 12 – 17 £5
Family £20


Members are advised to have third party insurance cover. Please note that this is not included in our membership fees. Cycling UK provides third party insurance to their members.

  • New Club Captain

  • We have a new club captain! Terry Crosswell has agreed to take over the post from Phil! Thank you Terry.
    Terry would appreciate suggestions for destinations and offers to lead rides. He can be contacted through the Contact form.